There are many on-going changes in the Somerset County Library System (SCLS) which affect our local branches. In an effort to help you, library patrons, stay informed we are publishing all relevant documents, as we are made aware of them. These are your tax dollars at work so please take a look, stay informed, and get involved.
Letters to Freeholders and Commissioners
Staff Letter - Concerns Regarding Reorganization, March 10, 2015
Statement by Judy Haas, President of the Hillsborough Public Library Advisory Board, at the meeting of the Somerset County Freeholders, Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Friends of the Warren Library Letter to the Library Commissioners, February 26, 2015
Statement by Judy Haas, President of the Hillsborough Public Library Advisory Board, at the meeting of the Somerset County Freeholders, Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Friends of the Warren Library Letter to the Library Commissioners, February 26, 2015
Reference Documents
Somerset County Library System, Program Marketing Assessment January 2014
Somerset County Library System, Strategic Plan 2012-2017
SCLS Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Somerset County Library System, Strategic Plan 2012-2017
SCLS Strategic Plan Executive Summary
Freeholder and Library Commission Meeting Information
The Somerset County Freeholders hold their Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
The Somerset County Library Commission meets at 7 PM at the Bridgewater Library on the first Wednesday of each month except for July and August.
In 2015, the April 1 meeting will be held at the Manville Library.
The Somerset County Library Commission meets at 7 PM at the Bridgewater Library on the first Wednesday of each month except for July and August.
In 2015, the April 1 meeting will be held at the Manville Library.