Great news for Friends of the Watchung Library: Last month, in an historic meeting, the Watchung Borough Council approved a bond ordinance for capital improvements including a major renovation of the Watchung Library.
Reinforcing the bridge from the Best Lake parking lot to the back of the library will start soon so that construction vehicles can get access to the building. Library staff are already planning the move to what will be our temporary location at 20 Stirling Road (the Valley Furniture building). What an exciting time this is! You can find more information about the planned renovation here: |
Our MissionThe Friends of the Watchung Library is dedicated to the growth and development of the Watchung Public Library ensuring free access to information and resources to all members of the community. The Friends raises funds for materials, programs and services that would otherwise not be provided.
The Friends endeavors to preserve and strengthen the importance of our Library in this community as a vital, irreplaceable source of information, education and culture - thereby providing everyone with opportunities and resources for lifelong learning. Contact us Here |
EventsThis month's art display at the Watchung Library is Art from the Heart, by Joyce Lembo. All are invited to come and see it before the library closes for renovations.
Make a difference, get involved

Do you know someone who would like to help the library? Join the Friends of Watchung Library. By becoming a Friend, you have an opportunity to enrich the lives of the children and adults in our community E-mail [email protected] if you'd like to get involved. Please subscribe to our mailing list and stay informed.